Saturday, December 3, 2011

hey look, a 2 - for - 1 special!

That's right, you get TWO posts in ONE day!  And it's totally still today for another hour and 15 minutes, so it all works out.

So tonight was my Christmas party for work.  I got all gussied up in my fancy new dress, my sparkly shoes and my super fabulous earrings.  I felt pretty good about myself.  Then we got there.  Found out an old friend is 20 weeks pregnant.  Sigh.  It still hurts to see pregnant women.  Not that I'm not happy for them, but *I'm* supposed to be pregnant.  Then we sat down at our table, and one of our table mates' wife is an OB.  I seriously can't get away from pregnancy related stuff. 

We skipped out on the party after supper (which really was good, btw!) and went downstairs to where the Rage City Roller Girls were having a bout.  We got there right before half time, and wouldn't you know it?  Half time is all about kids.  ::headdesk::  (Rage City team Devils Club totally won though, so there's that.)

We went back up to the party, and the hubby starts asking me to dance.  I hate dancing.  I'm not good at it, I get all sweaty, and I look like a chicken having a seizure.  Not to mention the fact that I'm a fattie and I jiggle.  Wiggle is one thing.  Jiggle is another!  Finally, I give in.

I.  Had.  A.  Blast.

I haven't danced since 60 pounds ago.  It was so much...easier!  I could move my body!  It was nuts!  I didn't care about my arm jiggles because frankly, the skinny girls around me had the arm flaps rocking too.  It was just like being at the gym, only better b/c I was staring at my hunky hubby. LOL 

I'm really glad I let him talk me into it.  We may make a habit of this!  Ok, probably not, but I won't be so quick to turn him down next time!


  1. Yay! I remember you at my wedding; you were hurting too bad to dance. What a victory! Can't wait to stomp your tail on the Wii: Just Dance,though ;)

  2. I'm so sorry about the pregnancy related issues. It will get easier eventually. But now? Yeah. It sucks. :(

    So glad that you had such a great time! Yay for progress!!

  3. I remember the last time you danced and ended up in a cast! -Casey
