Monday, January 30, 2012

Olive Garden made me go to the gym.

So, Anchorage FINALLY  has an Olive Garden.  It's been open for a week, which means if you want to get in, you have to get there an hour before it opens and stand in line.  So I did.  It was -10 outside.  Where I stood for 45 minutes.  In my defense, the breadsticks were fresh and seriously amazing.  However, I'm good not going again until my birthday in June. 

Then Sunday was volleyball, so I got a good workout then too.  Even if we did go to a local brewery and I ate way too many carbs.  But the grilled cheese sandwich I had was pretty hardcore tasty, so all those calories were worth it. ;) LOL

When the alarm clock rang this morning at 5:00 a.m., I was all set to turn it off and roll over and go back to sleep.  Then I realized something.  If I can stand for 45 minutes in -10 degree weather for breadsticks, I can roll my lazy self out of bed, suck it up for the 5 minute drive to the gym (and that's only if I catch all the red lights!) and work out.  So I did.  I'm glad I did.  I missed the gym.  I miss how great I feel after, and how it just sets a productive tone for the day. 


  1. You're awesome! I don't think I'm coherent enough to think like that first thing in the am. lol Good for you!

  2. Great job Sister! Super proud. :)
